Weight, BMI, and Other Really Irrelevant Things

Here’s the thing: I’ve spent way too long caring about the number on the scale and the arbitrary calculation of my height-to-weight ratio. Not caring about the number on the scale is so foreign to me. For the past seven years, I’ve weighed myself multiple times a day, changing my intake (usually decreasing it) to… Continue reading Weight, BMI, and Other Really Irrelevant Things

cue rent

Aka Idina Menzel belting Seasons of Love  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In daylights,  in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee-- in inches, in miles, In laughter, in strife-- in five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes-- how do you measure a year in the life? Long time no blog and all that jazz because to be honest, I’ve… Continue reading cue rent

#BoycottTheBefore: the danger of before/after pictures in eating disorder recovery

I am sick of seeing before and after pictures. I am sick of people in recovery quantifying their progress by placing a picture of them at a low weight compared to a healthy weight and stating that THAT is where the work happened. Because it’s not. Because as hard as gaining the weight is, especially… Continue reading #BoycottTheBefore: the danger of before/after pictures in eating disorder recovery

you don’t need to make your new year’s resolution about shrinking yourself.

 I didn’t want to blog about New Year’s Resolutions because I hate them. And also because blogs about resolutions are cliche and dumb. But mostly because resolutions are full of promises of weight loss and eating “healthy” and making yourself smaller. But here I am. Because I cannot resist fighting back against diet culture and… Continue reading you don’t need to make your new year’s resolution about shrinking yourself.

Happy Graduation (from treatment) To Me!!

Hello world!!! After 17 weeks, residential, day treatment, and intensive outpatient, over 400 meals and snacks, groups and therapy and pep talks from some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met, and a LOT of tears later, I am FINALLY graduating from treatment today!!!! First things first: what does this mean? Unfortunately, it doesn’t… Continue reading Happy Graduation (from treatment) To Me!!